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ApeX Gaming



Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
wizzLe 0:1:423418
squali 0:1:13596505
rbt 0:0:756046
Kyuzo 0:1:211099
valhalla 0:0:17293942
moon 0:1:60345


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
what the ApeX Gaming de_train 16 - 15 p5
The Penis Game ApeX Gaming de_russka 16 - 4 p3
Nothing Mankind Expected ApeX Gaming de_russka 12 - 16 wk5
MexiCoreanPlayers ApeX Gaming de_train 12 - 16 wk1
ineXorable ApeX Gaming de_train 15 - 16 wk8
High-Velocity ApeX Gaming de_tuscan 12 - 16 wk3
high fidelity ApeX Gaming de_inferno 14 - 16 wk6
headfire ApeX Gaming de_dust2 2 - 16 p2
Excellence of Execution ApeX Gaming de_dust2 8 - 16 wk4
ApeX Gaming what the de_train 15 - 16 p5
ApeX Gaming The Penis Game de_russka 4 - 16 p3
ApeX Gaming headfire de_dust2 16 - 2 p2
ApeX Gaming ineXorable de_train 16 - 15 wk8
ApeX Gaming Nothing Mankind Expected de_russka 16 - 12 wk5
ApeX Gaming high fidelity de_inferno 16 - 14 wk6
ApeX Gaming Excellence of Execution de_dust2 16 - 8 wk4
ApeX Gaming High-Velocity de_tuscan 16 - 12 wk3
ApeX Gaming Amped Gaming de_nuke 6 - 16 wk2
ApeX Gaming MexiCoreanPlayers de_train 16 - 12 wk1
Amped Gaming ApeX Gaming de_nuke 16 - 6 wk2