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Network of Exceeding Tactics

Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
trik 41579 d42321e0 2007-04-14 2007-07-28
[:NET:] Angel 35797 0f150bf5 2007-04-14 2007-07-28
AcidBurn 351246 e2b3f05b 2007-04-16 2007-07-28
[:NET:] Ronin 216862 f800fe06 2007-04-16 2007-07-28
mhop 222999 88366ef8 2007-04-16 2007-07-28
w1sp 440536 7908224a 2007-04-16 2007-05-15
Incognito 477 P741802 2007-04-16 2007-05-18
N4RCO 217682 6ba30c03 2007-04-16 2007-07-28
Pontus 287892 03ba1692 2007-04-20 2007-07-28
PhoeniX 174328 cb46546a 2007-04-20 2007-07-28
_C0NAD!AN:TE 96111 f9d9efd2 2007-04-23 2007-07-28
sk3ptik 519659 e21aaae5 2007-04-23 2007-07-28
B3a$t 430705 87ccb3e3 2007-04-28 2007-07-28
MDespair 17755 fc9145ff 2007-05-03 2007-07-28
cc//Beelzebub 224383 0127dbf5 2007-05-12 2007-07-28
Kensei 72264 3b770ac4 2007-05-12 2007-07-28
Cata|ystX 464403 P741812 2007-05-15 2007-06-08
Bravo2zero 352828 2f140b17 2007-05-18 2007-07-28
[:NET:] Hunty 106817 32ce3073 2007-05-18 2007-07-28
BriGGs 73351 37a6fe0d 2007-06-05 2007-07-28


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2007-05-08 oriGin Network of Exceeding Tactics 0 - 2
2007-05-15 Network of Exceeding Tactics World Klass Assassins 2 - 1
2007-05-22 Team Warchild Network of Exceeding Tactics 2 - 0
2007-05-29 Network of Exceeding Tactics Lithium 1 - 0
2007-06-05 The Dissidents Network of Exceeding Tactics 0 - 2
2007-06-12 Next LeveL Network of Exceeding Tactics
2007-06-12 Network of Exceeding Tactics Next LeveL 0 - 2
2007-06-19 Critical Limit Network of Exceeding Tactics 0 - 1
2007-07-03 Team Dynamic Network of Exceeding Tactics 1 - 0
2007-07-24 Team MoFo Squad Network of Exceeding Tactics 1 - 0