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Quake 4

We have history for 1,399 teams, 1,412 players, and 2,715 matches recorded since 2015-11-07 with last updates made on 2015-11-07.

Cyberathlete Ameteur League

Division Event Teams Players Matches Updated
q4i 50 50 125 2015-11-08
q4o 1116 1098 2130 2015-11-08
q4o2 37 68 84 2015-11-08


Division Event Teams Players Matches Updated
All-Star Qualifier WSVG All-Star Qualifier 66 66 118 2015-01-01
National WSVG Dallas Qualifier 14 14 32 2015-01-01
National WSVG Louisville Qualifier 23 23 64 2015-01-01
National Division KODE5 USA Qualifier 61 61 114 2015-01-01
Toronto WSVG Toronto Qualifier 32 32 48 2015-01-01