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Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
whisp 0:1:5763807
WookieeGT 0:1:1876288
JuicE 0:0:11493385
WookieeGT P851424
shutdown_ 0:0:3565333
carpwrist 0:1:7914924
Delwynndwn 0:1:13402505
Cranberry es super sexy 0:1:20842215
Church 0:1:9506263
SolidMetalSnake 0:0:7691202
CooLSpoT 0:1:5035155


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
Semi Serious BöNK cp_granary 5 - 1 rnd4
BöNK Semi Serious cp_granary 1 - 5 rnd4
Raw Is War BöNK cp_gravelpit rnd3
Ill-Tempered Sea Bass BöNK cp_badlands rnd2
BöNK Raw Is War cp_gravelpit rnd3
BöNK Ill-Tempered Sea Bass cp_badlands rnd2
what ! BöNK koth_viaduct 4 - 0 rnd1
BöNK what ! koth_viaduct 0 - 4 rnd1
butterflies BöNK cp_mainline 0 - 5 wk8
BöNK butterflies cp_mainline 5 - 0 wk8
orz BöNK cp_yukon wk7
BöNK orz cp_yukon wk7
pokemanz of tf2 BöNK cp_obscure 1 - 5 wk6
BöNK pokemanz of tf2 cp_obscure 5 - 1 wk6
what ! BöNK cp_freight 5 - 0 wk5
BöNK what ! cp_freight 0 - 5 wk5
Team Elypsys BöNK cp_gravelpit 0 - 2 wk3
Mainline Gaming BöNK koth_viaduct 4 - 1 wk4
BöNK Mainline Gaming koth_viaduct 1 - 4 wk4
BöNK Team Elypsys cp_gravelpit 2 - 0 wk3
Team3 BöNK cp_badlands 0 - 5 wk1
BöNK Team3 cp_badlands 5 - 0 wk1
BöNK Alpha Omega SS ctf_turbine 35 - 8 ps2
Alpha Omega SS BöNK ctf_turbine 8 - 35 ps2
Team3 BöNK cp_gorge 2 - 1 ps1
BöNK Team3 cp_gorge 1 - 2 ps1