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the doctors



Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
anomaly 0:0:67832
phys1kz 0:1:200789
pangu 0:0:6320216
rob-wiz 0:1:417538
Northman 0:1:50728
wiseguy 0:0:86511
wombat 0:0:1667
ntt 0:1:3828


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
Turmoil Gaming the doctors ctf_mach4 wk5-2
the doctors MugNMouse cp_gravelpit wk8-1
the doctors Eximius Sports cp_junction_v2 wk7-2
the doctors 20ID cp_junction_v2 wk7-1
the doctors Natural Impulse cp_well wk6-1
the doctors Turmoil Gaming ctf_mach4 wk5-2
the doctors High Self-Esteem cp_dustbowl wk4-1
the doctors Relentless Assault cp_granary 1 - 4 wk3-2
the doctors Pure Gaming cp_granary 4 - 1 wk3-1
the doctors boatride ctf_2fort 9 - 2 wk2-2
the doctors 50 Calibre ctf_2fort wk2-1
the doctors elite-pimps cp_gravelpit 2 - 0 wk1-2
the doctors iDemise cp_gravelpit 2 - 1 wk1-1
Relentless Assault the doctors cp_granary 4 - 1 wk3-2
Pure Gaming the doctors cp_granary 1 - 4 wk3-1
Natural Impulse the doctors cp_well wk6-1
MugNMouse the doctors cp_gravelpit wk8-1
iDemise the doctors cp_gravelpit 1 - 2 wk1-1
High Self-Esteem the doctors cp_dustbowl wk4-1
Eximius Sports the doctors cp_junction_v2 wk7-2
elite-pimps the doctors cp_gravelpit 0 - 2 wk1-2
boatride the doctors ctf_2fort 2 - 9 wk2-2
50 Calibre the doctors ctf_2fort wk2-1
20ID the doctors cp_junction_v2 wk7-1