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Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
b0rt 0:0:474422
brightside 0:1:192094
finalfantasy 0:0:3532160
bdc64 0:0:9424641
dHawk 0:1:2109969
phz5 0:1:3188505
krosLy 0:0:1221610


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
Vortex. motus de_tuscan 16 - 8 wk6-1
vision Valor victory motus de_nuke 4 - 16 wk4-2
Teknicality motus de_nuke 12 - 16 wk4-1
Talent motus de_dust2 9 - 16 wk3-1
Southern Aggression motus de_forge 8 - 16 wk2-2
SOMETHING VICIOUS motus de_dust2 16 - 13 rnd2
SOMETHING VICIOUS motus de_russka 7 - 16 wk7-2
North Stars United motus de_train 15 - 16 wk5-1
motus SOMETHING VICIOUS de_dust2 13 - 16 rnd2
motus Backfire de_inferno 2 - 16 rnd1
motus Graffiti de_inferno 16 - 7 wk8-2
motus FURY GAMING de_inferno 14 - 16 wk8-1
motus SOMETHING VICIOUS de_russka 16 - 7 wk7-2
motus cpd de_russka 10 - 16 wk7-1
motus Deadbolt de_tuscan 16 - 0 wk6-2
motus Vortex. de_tuscan 8 - 16 wk6-1
motus compLexity-OLD de_train 1 - 16 wk5-2
motus North Stars United de_train 16 - 15 wk5-1
motus vision Valor victory de_nuke 16 - 4 wk4-2
motus Teknicality de_nuke 16 - 12 wk4-1
motus element of surprise de_dust2 16 - 15 wk3-2
motus Talent de_dust2 16 - 9 wk3-1
motus Southern Aggression de_forge 16 - 8 wk2-2
motus Fragnet de_forge 16 - 4 wk2-1
motus 50 Calibre Gaming de_inferno 16 - 4 wk1-2
motus Hiatus de_inferno 6 - 16 wk1-1
Hiatus motus de_inferno 16 - 6 wk1-1
FURY GAMING motus de_inferno 16 - 14 wk8-1
Fragnet motus de_forge 4 - 16 wk2-1
Graffiti motus de_inferno 7 - 16 wk8-2
element of surprise motus de_dust2 15 - 16 wk3-2
Deadbolt motus de_tuscan 0 - 16 wk6-2
cpd motus de_russka 16 - 10 wk7-1
compLexity-OLD motus de_train 16 - 1 wk5-2
Backfire motus de_inferno 16 - 2 rnd1
50 Calibre Gaming motus de_inferno 4 - 16 wk1-2