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Reality 09



Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
nL iRecKLeSS nL iRecKLeSS
WhOz ZoDIaK P927564


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
The Project Reality 09 Sabo - District, Dom - Vacant, SnD, Overgrown 0 - 30 Round 7
Swass Reality 09 Dom - Crash, SnD - Strike, Sabo - Overgrown 0 - 30 Round 6
Stealthy Green Toupees* Reality 09 SnD - Backlot, Dom - Crash, Sabo - Strike 30 - 0 Round 5
Salty Gritz Reality 09 Dom - District, Sabo - Backlot, SnD - Crash 30 - 0 Round 3
RioT Reality 09 Dom - Crash, SnD - Strike, Sabo - Overgrown Preseason1
Reality 09 DeTecTioN SnD - Crash, Sabo - Strike, Dom - Overgrown 0 - 30 Round 8
Reality 09 The Project Sabo - District, Dom - Vacant, SnD, Overgrown 30 - 0 Round 7
Reality 09 Swass Dom - Crash, SnD - Strike, Sabo - Overgrown 30 - 0 Round 6
Reality 09 Stealthy Green Toupees* SnD - Backlot, Dom - Crash, Sabo - Strike 0 - 30 Round 5
Reality 09 Instant Death Squad BRAVO SnD - Crash, Sabo - Strike, Dom - Overgrown 0 - 30 Round 2
Reality 09 Salty Gritz Dom - District, Sabo - Backlot, SnD - Crash 0 - 30 Round 3
Reality 09 bG- Authentic Sabo - District, Dom - Vacant, SnD, Overgrown 30 - 0 Round 1
Reality 09 RioT Dom - Crash, SnD - Strike, Sabo - Overgrown Preseason1
Instant Death Squad BRAVO Reality 09 SnD - Crash, Sabo - Strike, Dom - Overgrown 30 - 0 Round 2
DeTecTioN Reality 09 SnD - Crash, Sabo - Strike, Dom - Overgrown 30 - 0 Round 8
bG- Authentic Reality 09 Sabo - District, Dom - Vacant, SnD, Overgrown 0 - 30 Round 1