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Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
AnarchY 0:0:10148
bReAkDoWn 0:0:3588476
jSO 0:1:4163766
im scott x3 0:0:17314348
jonnYj 0:1:207529
LuNaT!C 0:0:13181302
Terroth 0:0:2367
ER1c 0:0:4549355
jrp 0:1:1415876
DominicToretto 8>< 0:0:376114
Canuck 0:0:8780249
squidZilla 0:1:975810
keveezy 0:1:121167
Holeyman 0:0:6344572
lolumad? 0:0:24174
dc 0:0:767045


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
Cheetah Express washedup de_season 5 - 13 wk5-2
radiance washedup de_russka 4 - 13 wk8-1
WE ARE LIONS washedup de_inferno 5 - 13 wk7-1
washedup perplexity de_russka 12 - 13 wk8-2
washedup radiance de_russka 13 - 4 wk8-1
washedup WE ARE LIONS de_inferno 13 - 5 wk7-1
washedup eXe Gaming de_inferno 16 - 0 wk7-2
washedup All Business de_train 6 - 13 wk6-2
washedup Ciao de_train 13 - 7 wk6-1
washedup Cheetah Express de_season 13 - 5 wk5-2
washedup Fivealive de_season 4 - 13 wk5-1
washedup minesBIGGER de_dust2 13 - 4 wk4-2
washedup Symbiose de_tuscan 13 - 7 wk3-1
washedup Grandma's Perfect Batch de_tuscan 12 - 13 wk3-2
washedup Deadbolt de_dust2 2 - 13 wk4-1
washedup unison de_nuke 4 - 13 wk2-2
washedup FLUENCY de_nuke 13 - 2 wk2-1
washedup Velociraptors in the Kitchen de_russka 3 - 13 wk1-2
washedup guerillaTactics \\ iP de_russka 10 - 13 wk1-1
Velociraptors in the Kitchen washedup de_russka 13 - 3 wk1-2
unison washedup de_nuke 13 - 4 wk2-2
Symbiose washedup de_tuscan 7 - 13 wk3-1
perplexity washedup de_russka 13 - 12 wk8-2
minesBIGGER washedup de_dust2 4 - 13 wk4-2
guerillaTactics \\ iP washedup de_russka 13 - 10 wk1-1
Grandma's Perfect Batch washedup de_tuscan 13 - 12 wk3-2
FLUENCY washedup de_nuke 2 - 13 wk2-1
Fivealive washedup de_season 13 - 4 wk5-1
eXe Gaming washedup de_inferno 0 - 13 wk7-2
Deadbolt washedup de_dust2 13 - 2 wk4-1
Ciao washedup de_train 7 - 13 wk6-1
All Business washedup de_train 13 - 6 wk6-2