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[inactive]Bank of America

Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
83457 / ever™ 53244 0:0:340550 2006-02-28 2007-01-01
Derek Etebari 9902 0:0:531390 2006-02-28 2007-01-01
bln 29943 0:0:304879 2006-02-28 2006-08-06
froG 3720 0:1:137950 2006-02-28 2007-01-01
EUAN 17418 0:1:253429 2006-02-28 2006-06-25
noname 14330 0:1:83831 2006-02-28 2006-06-04
rbk^ 4769 0:0:12579 2006-02-28 2006-06-04
r0ckst4r 337842 0:1:54300 2006-02-28 2006-06-04
noname 263814 0:0:2634 2006-03-26 2006-08-06
Pstol 13099 0:1:4014 2006-03-26 2006-06-04
tigerz 7080 0:1:5286 2006-06-25 2006-12-31
Jago 178861 0:0:83190 2006-06-25 2007-01-01
KELLoGG 8631 0:0:1482556 2006-06-25 2006-12-31
bralytheace 1008 0:0:82696 2006-07-16 2007-01-01
fx-frost 432486 0:0:1991025 2006-08-13 2007-01-01
Mr_eMg 426603 0:0:10850 2006-08-27 2006-09-17
mbs 6819 0:1:341945 2006-09-03 2007-01-01
PhiLCo 79994 0:1:993078 2006-09-03 2006-09-17
syntr1p 5147 0:0:338622 2006-09-03 2006-09-10
fistandantilus 1939 0:1:2726516 2007-01-02 2007-01-30
c0caine 45968 0:1:93767 2007-01-02 2007-02-06
kaymize 23910 0:0:97893 2007-01-02 2007-05-12
Zok 27118 0:1:343796 2007-01-09 2007-03-06
JoHnNy*GM* 6581 0:0:201249 2007-01-15 2007-02-06
Shadow[s] 8247 0:0:78312 2007-01-24 2007-01-25
siLenTzeRo ;d 24709 0:0:197471 2007-01-29 2007-02-06
ninja 59453 0:1:3920582 2007-01-30 2007-02-20
chosen[st] 6714 0:0:47300 2007-01-30 2007-02-06
mankus™ 172690 0:0:135919 2007-02-05 2007-07-11
devivo 1813 0:0:51006 2007-02-05 2007-02-27
frost 509559 0:1:83763 2007-02-06 2007-09-13
Trevor "karbon" Harmon 3009 0:1:976479 2007-02-06 2007-09-13
diesel 8808 0:0:69646 2007-02-06 2007-09-13
stu 2069 0:1:68145 2007-02-20 2007-02-27
darkone 10951 0:1:69827 2007-02-26 2007-03-06
SeMpà75116 0:1:2286324 2007-02-26 2007-07-11
beeks 10877 0:0:1267853 2007-02-26 2007-02-27
skaboss 23695 0:0:1991025 2007-02-27 2007-03-06
BigNick 434913 0:0:1068306 2007-03-06 2007-05-12
sixsteR 19201 0:1:884959 2007-06-21 2007-06-27
561781 0:0:2436 2007-06-26 2007-09-13
Jago 561794 0:0:83190 2007-06-26 2007-07-02
ortofasho 563362 0:0:14432853 2007-07-03 2007-09-13
pHANTUz 298530 0:0:1841748 2007-07-04 2007-09-13
r u 4|R34|_ 305948 0:0:3828 2007-07-04 2007-07-11
skilla 67834 0:0:4470898 2007-07-11 2007-09-13
566334 0:1:77254 2007-07-18 2007-09-13
scusi 208196 0:0:257344 2007-07-18 2007-09-13


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2006-01-29 [INACTIVE]From the Ashes [inactive]Bank of America 19 - 22
2006-03-19 [INACTIVE]echo7 [inactive]Bank of America 18 - 12
2006-02-05 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]Teardrop 14 - 16
2006-02-01 [INACTIVE]echo7 [inactive]Bank of America 12 - 18
2006-02-08 [inactive]Bank of America [HIJACKED]Acronym 4 Nothing 13 - 17
2006-02-12 [INACTIVE]Jaded Karma [inactive]Bank of America 19 - 11
2006-02-19 [inactive]Bank of America [DEAD]34 16 - 14
2006-02-22 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Reign over All 16 - 0
2006-02-26 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]x3o 20 - 10
2006-03-01 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]talent 13 - 17
2006-03-05 [DEAD]NexLevel [inactive]Bank of America 0 - 16
2006-03-08 [INACTIVE]Jaded Karma [inactive]Bank of America 11 - 19
2006-03-12 [HIJACKED]Acronym 4 Nothing [inactive]Bank of America 11 - 19
2006-03-15 [INACTIVE]From the Ashes [inactive]Bank of America 19 - 11
2006-03-22 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]talent 14 - 16
2006-05-03 [inactive]Teardrop [inactive]Bank of America 4 - 16
2006-05-07 [INACTIVE]echo7 [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 7
2006-05-10 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Jaded Karma 12 - 16
2006-05-17 [inactive]Teardrop [inactive]Bank of America
2006-05-28 [inactive]Teardrop [inactive]Bank of America 0 - 16
2006-07-12 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Nightmare Online 16 - 14
2006-07-19 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]From the Ashes 16 - 0
2006-07-23 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Nightmare Online 20 - 10
2006-07-30 [inactive]talent [inactive]Bank of America 20 - 10
2006-08-02 [INACTIVE]shockwave [inactive]Bank of America 7 - 23
2006-08-06 [DEAD]34 [inactive]Bank of America 12 - 18
2006-08-13 [inactive]x3o [inactive]Bank of America 0 - 16
2006-08-09 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]echo7 20 - 10
2006-08-20 [INACTIVE]Rapid Eye Movement [inactive]Bank of America 10 - 20
2006-08-16 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]ne plus ultra 16 - 0
2006-08-23 [INACTIVE]From the Ashes [inactive]Bank of America 4 - 26
2006-08-27 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]echo7 14 - 16
2006-08-30 [inactive]talent [inactive]Bank of America 21 - 15
2006-09-03 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]shockwave 13 - 17
2006-09-06 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Rapid Eye Movement 20 - 10
2006-09-10 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]ne plus ultra 26 - 4
2006-10-08 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]From the Ashes 13 - 16
2006-10-11 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]echo7 13 - 16
2007-01-28 [inactive]State of Mind [inactive]Bank of America 22 - 8
2007-01-31 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]ne plus ultra
2007-02-04 [inactive]Example [inactive]Bank of America 13 - 17
2007-02-07 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]echo7 9 - 21
2007-02-11 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Rapid Eye Movement 16 - 0
2007-02-18 [inactive]Ascendence Gaming [inactive]Bank of America 20 - 10
2007-02-14 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]Berzerk 17 - 0
2007-02-21 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Face Factor 17 - 0
2007-02-25 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]Force of Will 0 - 16
2007-02-28 [inactive]c9 - enemy down [inactive]Bank of America 23 - 7
2007-03-04 [INACTIVE]ne plus ultra [inactive]Bank of America 10 - 20
2007-03-07 [INACTIVE]echo7 [inactive]Bank of America 0 - 16
2007-03-14 [inactive]Bank of America [INACTIVE]ne plus ultra 16 - 0
2007-03-18 [inactive]State of Mind [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 14
2007-03-21 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]c9 - enemy down 17 - 0
2007-06-21 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]desecrate 16 - 0
2007-06-18 [inactive]Example [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 7
2007-06-14 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]Algorithm16 17 - 0
2007-06-25 [DEAD]Super [inactive]Bank of America
2007-06-25 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]motus 2 - 16
2007-06-28 [inactive]Addiction [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 9
2007-07-02 [inactive]Bank of America Expect Nothing Less 16 - 12
2007-07-09 [inactive]Example [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 0
2007-07-05 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]uNLimited potential 15 - 16
2007-07-12 MANIK [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 14
2007-07-16 [inactive]Addiction [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 0
2007-07-19 [INACTIVE]zealousGaming [inactive]Bank of America 4 - 16
2007-07-23 [INACTIVE]Those French Guys [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 0
2007-07-30 [INACTIVE]Reverse Psychology [inactive]Bank of America
2007-07-26 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]Man Down 16 - 0
2007-06-21 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]motus
2007-07-26 [inactive]Bank of America Shadow Gaming 14 - 16
2007-08-02 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]Addiction
2007-07-30 [inactive]Addiction [inactive]Bank of America 16 - 3
2007-07-16 [INACTIVE]zealousGaming [inactive]Bank of America 7 - 16
2007-08-02 [inactive]Bank of America Expect Nothing Less 5 - 16
2007-06-21 [inactive]Bank of America [inactive]motus 1 - 16