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[inactive] Dynamo.USA

Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
impsta® 16702 0:0:83916 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
Peyote 178568 0:1:215066 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
Biz64 15571 0:0:472474 2007-09-28 2009-01-25
Lithium 310152 0:0:466488 2007-09-28 2007-12-15
gonorrhea 405276 0:1:414600 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
ellis64 160517 0:0:2742 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
FauX 17582 0:0:1634241 2007-09-29 2008-06-13
Benji 79255 0:0:4378689 2007-09-29 2007-12-30
Norqosh 105045 0:0:3036 2007-09-29 2009-01-25
toRch 40430 0:1:304058 2007-09-30 2007-10-19
kyosukE 5377 0:1:91443 2007-10-01 2007-12-30
morgan 310711 0:0:130501 2007-10-15 2008-06-13
taylor 51040 0:1:138235 2007-10-15 2008-06-13
dylanimal 76357 0:0:78341 2007-11-19 2007-11-20
brett 6912 0:1:3132814 2007-12-30 2008-06-13
WrEcKa 92274 0:1:2244202 2008-01-04 2008-06-13
BobLoblaw The Scheduler 586568 0:0:685153 2008-01-29 2008-06-13
xeon 173285 0:0:82286 2008-03-10 2008-06-13
keeg$ter 234129 0:1:1839396 2008-03-10 2008-06-13
lodn 2641 0:1:2824 2008-03-10 2008-06-13
stevus 49928 0:0:971317 2008-03-24 2008-06-13
hellbent 17534 0:0:307145 2008-03-25 2008-06-13
SWINGARDINIA 335921 0:1:3697613 2008-05-20 2009-01-25
syd 305982 0:1:6626252 2008-05-22 2009-01-25
sanE 31332 0:0:141972 2008-05-27 2009-01-25
zola 106069 0:1:4748250 2008-06-01 2008-06-13
imp[t] 599782 0:0:83916 2009-01-22 2009-01-25
blasted 42156 0:0:2555319 2009-01-22 2009-01-25


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2007-10-10 RAWTALENT [inactive] Dynamo.USA 0 - 16
2007-10-14 [inactive] Dynamo.USA downfall 16 - 14
2007-10-17 [inactive]We Make History [inactive] Dynamo.USA 6 - 16
2007-10-21 [inactive] Dynamo.USA Reverse Psychology 16 - 8
2007-10-24 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [INACTIVE]Malevolent Revolution 16 - 15
2007-10-28 [inactive] Dynamo.USA instinct to kill 16 - 5
2007-10-31 [inactive]Paper Thick [inactive] Dynamo.USA 1 - 16
2007-11-04 Shadow Gaming [inactive] Dynamo.USA 5 - 16
2007-11-07 [inactive] Dynamo.USA KAK 16 - 13
2007-11-11 [inactive] Dynamo.USA Example 16 - 10
2007-11-14 Thundercats [inactive] Dynamo.USA 16 - 5
2007-11-18 VaeVictis [inactive] Dynamo.USA 16 - 10
2007-11-21 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [INACTIVE]ABI 9 - 16
2007-11-24 [INACTIVE]enhanced [inactive] Dynamo.USA 16 - 6
2007-11-25 MANIK [inactive] Dynamo.USA 13 - 16
2007-11-28 [INACTIVE]Malevolent Revolution [inactive] Dynamo.USA 14 - 16
2007-12-02 RAWTALENT [inactive] Dynamo.USA 7 - 16
2007-12-12 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [inactive]Innate Reflex
2008-02-03 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [INACTIVE]xquizit 1 - 16
2008-02-06 [inactive]We Make History [inactive] Dynamo.USA 16 - 0
2008-02-10 [inactive]Gaming Devils [inactive] Dynamo.USA 8 - 16
2008-02-17 [inactive] Dynamo.USA Reverse Psychology 16 - 13
2008-02-13 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [inactive]Gaming Devils 16 - 13
2008-02-20 [INACTIVE]xquizit [inactive] Dynamo.USA 0 - 16
2008-02-24 [inactive]We Make History [inactive] Dynamo.USA 3 - 16
2008-02-27 [inactive] Dynamo.USA downfall 16 - 14
2008-03-02 gzero [inactive] Dynamo.USA
2008-03-02 [inactive] TEAMtoBEAT [inactive] Dynamo.USA 16 - 5
2008-03-05 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [Inactive]focaL 9 - 16
2008-03-09 [inactive]New Edition [inactive] Dynamo.USA 14 - 16
2008-03-12 gzero [inactive] Dynamo.USA 5 - 16
2008-03-23 Get Off My Internet [inactive] Dynamo.USA 15 - 16
2008-03-26 RampanT [inactive] Dynamo.USA 2 - 16
2008-03-30 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [INACTIVE]Vision Valor Victory 6 - 16
2008-04-02 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [inactive]Innate Reflex 16 - 11
2008-04-06 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [inactive]uNLimited potential 16 - 11
2008-04-09 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [inactive] TEAMtoBEAT 9 - 16
2008-04-13 Reverse Psychology [inactive] Dynamo.USA 16 - 14
2008-04-23 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [hijacked]Mind Over Matter 43 - 27
2008-04-30 [INACTIVE]Sway Gaming [inactive] Dynamo.USA 32 - 14
2008-05-27 [inactive] soLucky [inactive] Dynamo.USA 14 - 16
2008-05-25 [inactive]Glimpse of Reality [inactive] Dynamo.USA
2008-05-29 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [inactive]Dynamo 16 - 8
2008-05-25 [inactive] Dynamo.USA essence 19 - 15
2008-06-01 [inactive] Dynamo.USA [INACTIVE]iLLicit