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[INACTIVE]Killer Hippos

Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
Sheikz0r 404290 0:1:416871 2008-02-26 2008-10-28
Kaizer 31104 0:0:1816433 2008-02-26 2008-06-13
bear 471159 0:0:2404122 2008-02-26 2008-10-28
Mandalay 339391 0:0:1292248 2008-02-26 2008-10-28
405671 0:0:213249 2008-02-26 2008-10-28
sp|S| 401752 0:0:10140296 2008-02-26 2008-06-13
127851 0:1:2219711 2008-02-26 2008-10-28
specialD 130007 0:0:12102629 2008-02-26 2008-06-13
Bolck 395979 0:1:1580784 2008-02-26 2008-06-13
Player13 548230 0:0:10584955 2008-03-07 2008-06-13
DawN 401775 0:0:2681096 2008-03-18 2008-10-28
fNN 623646 0:1:11736513 2008-03-24 2008-06-13
JAKEY 50242 0:1:346521 2008-05-20 2008-10-28
SUPERSTAR420 290313 0:1:1136652 2008-05-20 2008-10-28
system 549697 0:1:740029 2008-06-16 2008-10-28
diMi 78365 0:1:89191 2008-06-18 2008-10-28
wtFmang 6817 0:0:714073 2008-07-22 2008-10-28
syntr1p 5147 0:0:18576721 2008-07-08 2008-10-28
SoniK 331829 0:0:94122 2008-07-29 2008-10-28
professional 660426 0:1:19856543 2008-07-29 2008-10-28


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2008-02-17 [inactive]Paper Thick [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 16 - 9
2008-02-13 Death Symphony X [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 16 - 11
2008-02-20 [inactive] soLucky [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 16 - 1
2008-03-02 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos motus 7 - 16
2008-03-05 [INACTIVE]Pink Panthers [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 16 - 13
2008-03-09 [INACTVE]Money$hot [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 0 - 1
2008-03-12 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos [inactive]Bonerism 16 - 9
2008-03-09 powered by pucca [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 8 - 16
2008-04-14 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos upstaged 16 - 13
2008-03-23 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos DOXA 16 - 12
2008-03-26 [inactive]Self-Proclaimed Profes [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 0 - 16
2008-03-30 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos [INACTIVE]Reality of Faith 16 - 13
2008-04-02 [INACTIVE]paniczone [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 16 - 11
2008-04-06 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos Mind Blowing Performance 7 - 16
2008-04-16 [inactive]Bonerism [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 16 - 0
2008-04-09 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos [inactive]vivid 16 - 12
2008-04-13 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos [hijacked]detox 16 - 13
2008-04-23 [INACTIVE]paniczone [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos
2008-04-23 [INACTIVE]paniczone [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 32 - 21
2008-06-11 DOXA [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos
2008-06-15 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos [inactive]Instant Reaction 16 - 5
2008-06-22 [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos gzero 16 - 11
2008-06-25 [inactive]New Edition [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos 12 - 16
2008-07-02 [hijacked]detox [INACTIVE]Killer Hippos