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Cyberathlete Ameteur League
Placement Tournament


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
deebizzle 48190 0:0:151001 2007-05-10 2007-09-28
Jove 83055 0:0:1798979 2007-05-10 2007-09-08
O'Doyle8D 22727 0:0:84878 2007-05-10 2007-09-08
BuLLetHEAD 91539 0:1:3762770 2007-05-10 2007-06-08
Tower 1650 0:1:2532 2007-05-10 2007-06-08
Xcyte 5777 0:0:950474 2007-05-10 2007-06-08
BFG 512028 0:1:1558 2007-05-10 2007-09-28
VandaL 14598 0:1:205065 2007-05-10 2007-06-08
NovVi 9058 0:0:95336 2007-05-10 2007-06-08
famouS 305244 0:0:77559 2007-05-12 2007-06-08
nirvana 46578 0:0:11904927 2007-09-07 2007-09-09
Synergy 24536 0:0:80494 2007-09-07 2007-09-18
prst 1746 0:0:33571 2007-09-07 2007-09-28
Ascension 327453 0:1:11393352 2007-09-09 2007-09-28
c0mtrex 23004 0:1:665135 2007-09-09 2007-09-28
hydro 2102 0:0:69809 2007-09-18 2007-09-28
voodoo 69265 0:0:53293 2008-01-09 2008-06-13
enigma 50567 0:1:9288580 2008-01-09 2008-06-13
hE_master 12188 0:0:134559 2008-01-11 2008-06-13
advt 57579 0:0:5168 2008-01-11 2008-06-13
bahrain 41872 0:0:69407 2008-01-11 2008-06-13


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2007-05-30 [INACTIVE]Devastation No Such Agency 13 - 16
2007-05-27 [INACTIVE]Devastation RAWTALENT 15 - 16
2007-05-23 [INACTIVE]Devastation unmoderated 16 - 11
2007-05-20 [INACTIVE]Devastation [inactive]Team eMg 16 - 0
2007-05-16 [inactive]soLucky [INACTIVE]Devastation 2 - 16
2007-09-25 [INACTIVE]Devastation Thundercats
2007-09-26 [inactive]eskimoose [INACTIVE]Devastation
2007-09-27 [INACTIVE]Devastation [inactive]feelthepain
2007-09-25 [INACTIVE]Devastation Thundercats
2007-09-26 [INACTIVE]Devastation [inactive]eskimoose
2007-09-27 [INACTIVE]Devastation [inactive]feelthepain
2008-01-13 Mirror Image Gaming [INACTIVE]Devastation 5 - 25
2008-01-15 Stakt [INACTIVE]Devastation 8 - 22
2008-01-17 Capital 6 [INACTIVE]Devastation 10 - 20
2008-01-20 [INACTIVE]kryptik [INACTIVE]Devastation 25 - 5
2008-01-27 [INACTIVE]iLLicit [INACTIVE]Devastation 13 - 17
2008-01-29 [inactive]StrataGem [INACTIVE]Devastation 12 - 18
2008-01-31 Legends of the Hidden Temple [INACTIVE]Devastation 19 - 11