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The Sparkle Gang

E-Sports Entertainment
Season 16 - Open


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
Spamfest 530501 [U:1:75423790] 2015-05-26
d-sh 423926 [U:1:56859396] 2015-04-22
isabelle 537606 [U:1:50436808] 2015-10-10
starry- 442461 [U:1:53208829] 2015-08-05
m4risa 442166 [U:1:39358361] 2015-08-05
taylorbutt 391142 [U:1:10900504] 2015-08-05
twilit 576864 [U:1:105730451] 2015-08-04
BoxOfMaxAndCheese 673679 [U:1:1007227] 2015-08-04
mc_ride 438874 [U:1:34670928] 2015-05-04
june 468351 [U:1:68786425] 2015-03-06
zalfy 392364 [U:1:6766353] 2015-03-06
justinisokay 555357 [U:1:94371561] 2015-08-07
Katsy 645824 [U:1:75511225] 2015-08-14
-MaxHax 328775 [U:1:24280038] 2015-10-04
Ender__ 71230 [U:1:6825561] 2015-10-02
sparkles-gand 643340 [U:1:76008342] 2015-04-08
Auzzie 521875 [U:1:63399890] 2015-09-11
chaaz^ 360317 [U:1:7837853] 2015-09-10
John_Milter 493447 [U:1:80229735] 2015-09-08
HappyCatFish 1013156 [U:1:70735347] 2015-09-02


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2015-11-12 Dildo Gaggins The Sparkle Gang cp_gullywash_final1 2 - 5 Week 8:1
2015-11-12 Ice Road Terror HD... The Sparkle Gang cp_granary 2 - 5 Week 4:1
2015-11-12 Smoke Nothing Ever... The Sparkle Gang cp_badlands 4 - 5 Week 3:2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang stewage rats cp_process_final 2 - 3 Week 1:1
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang The Rill Dill koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 3 - 4 Week 9:1
2015-11-12 Six Guys Off The Sparkle Gang cp_gullywash_final1 2 - 5 Week 8:1
2015-11-12 Fueled by Eurobeat The Sparkle Gang cp_sunshine_rc1a 5 - 1 Week 7:1
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang alpaca with computer cp_gullywash_final1 1 - 5 Week 8:2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang Pizzagon eSports cp_metalworks_rc5 5 - 4 Week 5:2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang snarky teamname in... cp_metalworks_rc5 5 - 0 Week 5:1
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang Best Coast cp_granary 2 - 0 Week 6:2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang Prestige Quake Live cp_process_final 2 - 0 Week 4:1
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang LARGE Gamers cp_badlands 2 - 0 Week 3:2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang Voltron Force koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 4 - 1 Week 1:2
2015-11-12 Closet Clowns The Sparkle Gang cp_snakewater_final1 0 - 2 Week 2:2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang Absolutely massive cp_gullywash_final1 0 - 2 Playoffs R2
2015-11-12 The Sparkle Gang The Rill Dill cp_metalworks_rc5 5 - 2 Playoffs R1