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E-Sports Entertainment
Season 15 - Invite


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
sandwiches^time 459181 [U:1:4101350] 2014-03-12
Phrakture 473583 [U:1:37723867] 2013-04-24 2014-06-20
shaftmetwisted 424346 [U:1:30756285] 2014-03-16 2014-12-21
SS_ 423086 [U:1:25395740] 2012-08-26 2014-09-03
asianriceguy 529422 [U:1:73947056] 2014-02-24 2014-09-02
sham_ 458736 [U:1:20428795] 2012-09-02 2014-08-13
chaaz^ 360317 [U:1:7837853] 2014-03-20 2014-08-06
_THE__REAL_MESR__ 361471 [U:1:30039700] 2014-02-21 2014-07-31
Phaser 47604 [U:1:21056] 2014-07-22 2014-07-30
gnM- 376470 [U:1:117915] 2014-07-14 2014-07-30
John_Milter 493447 [U:1:80229735] 2014-07-23 2014-07-30
-Sal 446811 [U:1:19682724] 2014-07-08 2014-07-28
1Jav 222072 [U:1:23385514] 2013-09-14 2014-02-21
marmadukeGRYLLS 211850 [U:1:19084760] 2014-02-21 2014-07-08
goo 449526 [U:1:26058913] 2014-02-21 2014-04-15
slipz 361195 [U:1:22929337] 2013-04-25 2014-03-04
Mangachu 470908 [U:1:35962172] 2013-10-29 2014-02-09
WirelessFox 467709 [U:1:25418535] 2013-09-14 2014-01-27


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2015-11-12 Team SoloUber WELOVEANIME koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 2 - 0 Week 9:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME froyotech koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 0 - 2 Week 9:1
2015-11-12 6cuties_ WELOVEANIME cp_sunshine_rc1a 2 - 0 Week 7:1
2015-11-12 Classic Mixup WELOVEANIME cp_gullywash_final1 2 - 0 Week 8:1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME Ascent cp_sunshine_rc1a 0 - 2 Week 7:2
2015-11-12 THE HURRICANE WELOVEANIME cp_granary 2 - 0 Week 6:1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME Team SoloUber cp_metalworks_rc5 1 - 5 Week 5:1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME THE HURRICANE koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 4 - 1 Week 1:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME 6cuties_ cp_snakewater_final1 5 - 1 Week 2:2
2015-11-12 Classic Mixup WELOVEANIME cp_granary 5 - 0 Week 9:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME 6cuties_ cp_granary 5 - 2 Week 9:1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME froyotech cp_snakewater_final1 0 - 5 Week 8:1
2015-11-12 THE HURRICANE WELOVEANIME koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 0 - 4 Week 7:1
2015-11-12 Kawaii Washing Mac... WELOVEANIME koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 0 - 2 Week 7:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME No Exceptions cp_process_final 2 - 0 Week 6:1
2015-11-12 Ascent WELOVEANIME cp_process_final 5 - 3 Week 6:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME SMTM cp_metalworks_rc5 5 - 1 Week 5:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME 6cuties_ koth_coalplant_b2 4 - 1 Week 4:2
2015-11-12 Ascent WELOVEANIME cp_badlands 5 - 2 Week 3:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME Classic Mixup cp_metalworks_rc5 2 - 5 Week 5:1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME No Exceptions cp_badlands 2 - 0 Week 3:1
2015-11-12 SMTM WELOVEANIME cp_gullywash_final1 4 - 3 Week 2:1
2015-11-12 froyotech WELOVEANIME cp_gullywash_final1 5 - 0 Week 2:2
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME Kawaii Washing Mac... cp_granary 5 - 3 Week 1:1
2015-11-12 THE HURRICANE WELOVEANIME cp_granary 1 - 5 Week 1:2
2015-11-12 froyotech WELOVEANIME cp_badlands 5 - 0 Playoffs R1
2015-11-12 froyotech WELOVEANIME cp_snakewater_final1 5 - 2 Playoffs R1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME Ascent cp_snakewater_final1 0 - 5 Playoffs R1
2015-11-12 WELOVEANIME Ascent cp_gullywash_final1 1 - 5 Playoffs R1