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instinct to kill

Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
kanon 519330 0:0:1175691 2008-05-20 2008-06-13
NadroJ 5889 0:1:130094 2008-05-20 2008-06-13
545047 0:1:1182778 2008-05-22
dosu 6682 0:1:13250208 2008-05-22 2008-10-28
therealMEDIA 3313 0:0:100386 2008-05-22
charz 5011 0:1:254515 2008-05-24 2008-10-05
fatalisT 582357 0:0:149868 2008-05-25 2008-10-28
434952 0:1:1903266 2008-05-25 2008-06-13
daslzr 589737 0:1:384529 2008-05-27 2008-10-28
riff 582155 0:1:881079 2008-05-27 2008-06-13
CALIFORNIABEAR 13472 0:1:89136 2008-06-01 2009-02-12
paiN 138400 0:1:107596 2008-06-07 2008-10-28
arduous 12485 0:0:136193 2008-06-08 2008-10-28
LMFAO 99071 0:0:15598506 2008-06-13 2008-11-26
TRV 337043 0:1:673998 2008-06-18 2008-10-28
fr00z 616676 0:1:212636 2008-06-24 2008-11-04
BDM 529768 0:0:3593257 2008-06-24 2008-10-28
m$ 23134 0:0:2781 2001-07-08 2008-10-28
h4x~ 270246 0:1:445495 2001-07-08 2008-10-28
TrickyT 265114 0:1:7785457 2001-07-08 2008-07-06
merza 54190 0:0:13962461 2008-07-22 2008-10-28
epocs 219943 0:0:147479 2008-07-15 2008-10-28
476216 0:0:753783 2009-07-08 2008-10-28
sticx 412653 0:0:375796 2008-07-15 2008-10-28
660989 0:0:1175691 2008-07-23 2008-10-28
127503 0:0:4371 2008-09-20 2008-10-28
doMs 5221 0:1:85152 2008-09-20 2008-10-28
emperor 482425 0:1:7437766 2008-09-26 2008-11-26
Hoop 676750 0:1:215588 2006-10-08 2008-11-06
chriFFer 676805 0:1:4042411 2006-10-08
willson 40530 0:1:212083 2008-10-28 2008-10-31
carcilla 347146 0:0:1269400 2005-10-08 2008-10-05
jest1k 383426 0:1:210126 2008-10-21 2009-02-07
fuRtive[sf] 48929 0:0:136900 2008-10-13 2009-02-01
pow-ss- 495895 0:0:449583 2008-10-21 2008-11-13
kalis 102507 0:0:101065 2008-11-05 2008-11-19
lover1H 227883 0:0:19930557 2008-11-26 2009-01-31
499022 0:1:11582962 2008-11-12
yellowchocolate 470690 0:0:8767105 2008-11-25 2009-02-08
3268 0:0:86488 2008-11-26
marloNN_- 621087 0:1:2909474 2008-11-26 2008-12-03
rdw 125524 0:1:1892500 2009-02-06
unpro 153106 0:1:9783033 2009-02-06
jooLz 403549 0:1:12343956 2009-02-07
ftah 8972 0:1:6795 2009-02-10
SnakeY 2664 0:1:17585617 2009-02-12


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2008-06-09 instinct to kill Endscape 16 - 14
2008-06-12 instinct to kill [INACTIVE]ApeX Gaming 16 - 2
2008-06-19 instinct to kill [INACTIVE]PRESTIGE 1 - 0
2008-06-16 instinct to kill RARE 4 - 16
2008-06-19 instinct to kill [INACTIVE]MEGAHURTZ
2008-06-23 instinct to kill [INACTIVE]wiz 16 - 14
2008-06-26 instinct to kill Search N Destroy 16 - 5
2008-07-03 Pounding Perfection instinct to kill
2008-06-30 [INACTIVE]TEKnicality instinct to kill
2008-10-06 instinct to kill prophets
2008-10-09 instinct to kill [INACTIVE]paniczone 6 - 16
2008-10-16 Diu 9 You instinct to kill 10 - 16
2008-10-23 instinct to kill [INACTIVE]Established Perfection 16 - 2
2008-10-20 instinct to kill adrenaLAN 14 - 16
2008-10-30 unscripted excellence instinct to kill
2008-11-17 instinct to kill upnorth 16 - 5
2008-11-10 adrenaLAN instinct to kill 9 - 16
2008-11-20 instinct to kill overcast 11 - 16
2008-11-13 Death Symphony X instinct to kill 15 - 16
2008-10-30 instinct to kill invictus 13 - 16
2009-02-09 instinct to kill Dying Breed 14 - 16
2009-02-12 instinct to kill Dying Breed 16 - 1
2009-02-19 Diu 9 You instinct to kill 16 - 3
2009-02-16 High Fidelity instinct to kill 0 - 1
2009-02-23 Malicious instinct to kill
2009-02-26 adrenaLAN instinct to kill
2009-02-16 instinct to kill Malicious