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Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
vuntK 476054 0:0:11363027 2007-05-19 2007-09-28
betrayaL 401147 0:1:739179 2007-05-19 2007-06-23
AKshay 14489 0:1:260676 2007-05-19 2007-05-24
smmkkk[ezk] 42883 0:1:1507579 2007-05-19 2007-06-08
xing 1053 0:0:81951 2007-05-20 2007-09-28
vulcaNe 542556 0:0:13663840 2007-05-30 2007-06-01
spidey 45826 0:1:66185 2007-05-30 2007-06-15
ezkill 551337 0:1:1507579 2007-05-30 2007-07-23
ZiPpO 27886 0:1:8837338 2007-06-05 2007-06-23
ezk 555134 0:1:14213777 2007-06-06 2007-07-23
smmkkk 553296 0:1:974486 2007-06-08 2007-09-28
ziggiE 506047 0:1:496240 2007-06-16 2007-06-23
panik 26139 0:1:95951 2007-06-18 2007-07-01
fIVAD 257327 0:1:2277906 2007-06-23 2007-07-01
KRONIK 475591 0:0:282252 2007-06-23 2007-06-30
copy4 539743 0:1:5018830 2007-06-24 2007-06-30
DC 562855 0:1:2541671 2007-07-01 2007-07-16
Poule 62731 0:0:3161408 2007-07-01 2007-07-14
Dave 562896 0:1:3498586 2007-07-01 2007-07-16
deNmx 356047 0:1:2564723 2007-07-02 2007-07-21
ch1pmunk 25202 0:0:1781749 2007-07-02 2007-07-16
paumo 490672 0:0:262641 2007-07-14 2007-09-28
pooN 225983 0:1:331003 2007-07-14 2007-09-28
Tony 220059 0:1:11893205 2007-07-14 2007-09-28
GrEeN 28866 0:1:79474 2007-07-16 2007-09-17
all hope is gone 122200 0:0:451254 2007-07-21 2007-09-28


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2007-06-05 Online Drama smartPLAY 11 - 19
2007-06-12 GameReflex smartPLAY 0 - 16
2007-06-19 smartPLAY Throw It Up 10 - 20
2007-06-26 smartPLAY [INACTIVE]DYNAMIC 16 - 0
2007-07-03 smartPLAY We Are Pandas 26 - 4
2007-07-10 inflicted smartPLAY
2007-07-10 [inactive]Sparkling Wiggles smartPLAY 1 - 29
2007-07-17 smartPLAY Epidemic Gaming 16 - 0
2007-07-24 smartPLAY Top5CounterStrikePlayersInServer 23 - 7
2007-07-31 4seen smartPLAY 0 - 16
2007-06-26 smartPLAY Life and Forever Guys 16 - 0
2007-06-12 smartPLAY [inactive]Config Cowboys 10 - 20
2007-07-17 [inactive]Team Surge smartPLAY 0 - 16
2007-08-09 smartPLAY havefun 16 - 14
2007-08-07 Didn't Even Try smartPLAY 13 - 17
2007-08-14 smartPLAY CHAWSKY? 17 - 0
2007-08-21 wish we weren't wasted smartPLAY 20 - 10