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Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
realistix<spR> 320870 0:0:207934 2007-09-28 2007-11-10
manuK / houseSANADA 39979 0:1:91123 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
567777 0:1:2157217 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
317142 0:0:91050 2007-09-28 2007-11-11
48956 0:0:11883030 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
KriznY 122641 0:0:527630 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
DXL 123519 0:0:1758370 2007-09-28 2007-11-11
nho 94742 0:0:424438 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
lon 225742 0:1:84943 2007-09-28 2008-06-13
jrod^^ 162616 0:1:2082373 2007-10-09 2007-10-22
JAKEY 50242 0:1:346521 2007-10-09 2007-10-14
what 503868 0:0:100441 2007-10-16 2007-10-30
303067 0:1:1344756 2007-10-23 2007-11-05
tHe RIng3r 222250 0:0:9909974 2007-10-30 2007-11-02
jordan 305926 0:1:1768046 2007-11-06 2007-12-19
PIDGEONCARRIER LOL 570123 0:0:136778 2007-11-06 2007-11-20
Kyle 196971 0:1:63015 2007-11-06 2007-12-19
HuantoN 89502 0:0:8975719 2007-11-19 2008-06-13
FiNN 285615 0:0:2886653 2007-11-20 2007-12-19
lunatiK` 494191 0:1:412354 2007-11-20 2008-06-13
405720 0:0:69694 2007-11-20 2008-06-13
spahtan 10205 0:0:12425867 2008-01-28 2008-06-13
cabahug 509432 0:1:151270 2008-01-29 2008-06-13
belmude 582094 0:1:3743837 2008-01-30 2008-06-13
JeSuS 354647 0:1:3316913 2008-02-03 2008-06-13
236106 0:1:15235322 2008-02-04 2008-06-13
huy 444954 0:1:3966726 2008-02-11 2008-06-13
inz 177060 0:1:915393 2008-02-12 2008-06-13
funkadelic 45169 0:1:11953325 2008-02-19 2008-06-13
cavaz0s 19154 0:1:1788616 2008-02-19 2008-06-13


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2007-10-07 samurai [inactive]bC
2007-10-07 [inactive]kinetix samurai
2007-10-10 [temp. inactive]We Will Grill Yo samurai 5 - 16
2007-10-14 samurai [INACTIVE]Power Play 16 - 0
2007-10-17 samurai [INACTIVE]xquizit 11 - 16
2007-10-14 samurai [inactive]zeebee
2007-10-21 samurai [temp inactive]subtLe 7 - 16
2007-10-24 samurai Severity 16 - 2
2007-10-28 LAN before TIME samurai 11 - 16
2007-10-21 samurai [temp inactive]subtLe 7 - 16
2007-10-14 [inactive]zeebee samurai 13 - 16
2007-10-31 samurai [INACTIVE]Pink Trouser Villains 16 - 14
2007-11-04 [HIJACKED]AmazingOnline samurai
2007-11-04 [INACTIVE]Gaming Devils samurai 0 - 16
2007-11-07 samurai [INACTIVE]CopenhageN 16 - 0
2007-11-11 [HIJACKED]Simply Intuition samurai 16 - 14
2007-11-14 samurai [INACTIVE]Reality of Faith 16 - 10
2007-11-18 samurai [inactive]kinetix 14 - 16
2007-11-21 samurai Rare 6 - 16
2007-11-25 [inactive]endless samurai 11 - 16
2007-11-28 LAN before TIME samurai 7 - 16
2007-12-02 Rare samurai 14 - 16
2007-12-09 samurai GLOCKdoctors 2 - 0
2007-12-12 gzero samurai 2 - 1
2008-02-03 samurai [INACTIVE]WeekEnd Warriors
2008-02-06 samurai [inactive]Crossfire 4 - 16
2008-02-10 motus samurai
2008-02-13 powered by pucca samurai 0 - 16
2008-02-17 samurai CopenhageN 15 - 16
2008-02-20 samurai [inactive]Crossfire 12 - 16
2008-02-24 samurai [INACTIVE]Reality of Faith 16 - 15
2008-02-27 Mind Blowing Performance samurai 16 - 0
2008-03-02 samurai [INACTIVE]Invisionx 10 - 32
2008-03-05 [inactive]vivid samurai