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[inactive] Iconic

Cyberathlete Ameteur League


Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
Scrote 11726 0:0:234010 2007-10-01 2008-06-13
Munky 514914 0:0:10144348 2007-10-01 2008-06-13
VeCks / WiggLePuss 517625 0:1:10546589 2007-10-01
FUBAR/KlauS 437080 0:0:958918 2007-10-01
hurry^andDIE 464663 0:1:9146874 2007-10-01 2008-06-13
Grandpa Drunk Rifle 23521 0:0:1016474 2007-10-01
I_R_Dead 517275 0:1:481479 2007-10-01 2008-06-13
Newbie [WWX] 278583 0:0:547406 2007-10-01
Admiral Akbar 396997 0:0:8338102 2007-10-01 2008-06-13
Scruffman 533155 0:1:2998969 2007-10-03 2008-06-13
Doc}{oliday | chuckleS 136575 0:1:354346 2007-11-22 2008-06-13
curB 515860 0:0:11801444 2008-02-13 2008-06-13
World Renound/McNeiL` 352348 0:0:319962 2008-03-17 2008-06-13
Diego / skepT 582517 0:0:10581773 2008-03-18 2008-06-13
420 599685 0:0:148214 2008-03-28 2008-06-13
Steven Hawking 527092 0:1:8174361 2008-04-12 2008-06-13
Filt 151109 0:1:4596332 2008-10-15 2008-11-05


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
2007-10-10 [inactive] Iconic The Chosen Ones 1 - 0
2007-10-17 Deadbolt [inactive] Iconic 256 - 16
2007-10-24 [INACTIVE] Team VirtuaL [inactive] Iconic 0 - 1
2007-10-31 pieFactory [inactive] Iconic 200 - 17
2007-11-07 [inactive] Iconic Phoenix 320 - 346
2007-11-14 [inactive] Iconic [INACTIVE]Team-Legion 280 - 203
2007-11-28 [inactive] Iconic [INACTIVE] Kicked By Console 314 - 204
2007-12-05 [inactive] Iconic INACTIVE T3 Gaming 310 - 213
2007-12-12 [inactive] Hpnotiq [inactive] Iconic 413 - 400
2007-12-19 INACTIVE Final DestinationĂ‚Â² [inactive] Iconic 175 - 304
2008-01-09 [inactive] Iconic [inactive] Invoke Gaming 108 - 23
2008-01-23 [inactive] Iconic [INACTIVE] N/A 323 - 366
2008-02-27 [inactive] Iconic epitome 127 - 98
2008-03-05 [inactive] TheGrandClan [inactive] Iconic 340 - 175
2008-03-12 [inactive] Iconic assimX 101 - 32
2008-04-02 [inactive] Iconic Hooray! for Xylophones 279 - 114
2008-04-16 Final Destination [inactive] Iconic 144 - 33
2008-06-04 [inactive] Iconic The Chosen Ones 314 - 359