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Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
effpain P810410
Roliax onFyreRoliax.232
phea onFyrePhea.800
Bloot onFyreBloot.480
nexus NINJAVITIS.382
Leash Leash.355
phea phea.763
Roliax roliax.181
Bloot Bloot.354


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
Rage of War onFyre Scrap Station 2 - 3 Playoff6
onFyre Double D Jungle Basin 1 - 3 Playoff7
onFyre Rage of War Scrap Station 3 - 2 Playoff6
onFyre Latest and Greatest Gaming Xel`Naga Caverns 0 - 4 Playoff3
onFyre Double D Lost Temple 3 - 2 Playoff2
Latest and Greatest Gaming onFyre Xel`Naga Caverns 4 - 0 Playoff3
Double D onFyre Jungle Basin 3 - 1 Playoff7
Double D onFyre Lost Temple 2 - 3 Playoff2
The KiwiClone Army onFyre Blistering Sands 3 - 1 Week 3-2
The Dragoons of Fever onFyre Xel`Naga Caverns 1 - 3 Week 5-1
Team SASC onFyre Delta Quadrant Week 6-1
Requiem eSports onFyre Lost Temple 4 - 0 Week 7-2
Rage of War onFyre Steppes of War 2 - 3 Week 4-1
Q.E.D. onFyre Delta Quadrant Playoff1
Q.E.D. onFyre Scrap Station 2 - 3 Week 2-1
onFyre Q.E.D. Delta Quadrant Playoff1
onFyre Latest and Greatest Gaming Lost Temple 0 - 4 Week 7-1
onFyre Requiem eSports Lost Temple 0 - 4 Week 7-2
onFyre NyquistGaming Shakuras Plateau Week 8-1
onFyre Double D Shakuras Plateau 1 - 3 Week 8-2
onFyre Old Generation DOTA Delta Quadrant Week 6-2
onFyre Team SASC Delta Quadrant Week 6-1
onFyre Chaotic Visions Xel`Naga Caverns Week 5-2
onFyre The Dragoons of Fever Xel`Naga Caverns 3 - 1 Week 5-1
onFyre Berry to Mint Steppes of War Week 4-2
onFyre Rage of War Steppes of War 3 - 2 Week 4-1
onFyre The KiwiClone Army Blistering Sands 1 - 3 Week 3-2
onFyre Feint Gaming Scrap Station 0 - 4 Week 2-2
onFyre Q.E.D. Scrap Station 3 - 2 Week 2-1
onFyre Coon and Friends Metalopolis 2 - 3 Week 1-2
onFyre Accel Metalopolis 4 - 0 Week 1-1
Old Generation DOTA onFyre Delta Quadrant Week 6-2
NyquistGaming onFyre Shakuras Plateau Week 8-1
Latest and Greatest Gaming onFyre Lost Temple 4 - 0 Week 7-1
Feint Gaming onFyre Scrap Station 4 - 0 Week 2-2
Double D onFyre Shakuras Plateau 3 - 1 Week 8-2
Coon and Friends onFyre Metalopolis 3 - 2 Week 1-2
Chaotic Visions onFyre Xel`Naga Caverns Week 5-2
Berry to Mint onFyre Steppes of War Week 4-2
Accel onFyre Metalopolis 0 - 4 Week 1-1
The Last Stand onFyre Xel`Naga Caverns Pre 1-2
Super Saiyan Swag onFyre Lost Temple Pre 1-1
onFyre The Last Stand Xel`Naga Caverns Pre 1-2
onFyre Super Saiyan Swag Lost Temple Pre 1-1