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GUID Player Team League Division Joined Abandoned
0:1:8565940 Green^Hat WeedHax! CAL Open 2006-03-26 2006-06-04
0:1:8565940 Green^Hat Full Clip CAL Open 2006-12-05 2007-01-01
0:1:8565940 Green^Hat [INACTIVE]FullClip CAL Open 2007-09-28 2007-12-04
0:1:8565940 Green^Hat FullClip CAL Open 2008-02-03 2008-06-13
0:1:8565940 Green^Hat [INACTIVE]Full-Clip CAL Open 2008-05-27 2008-10-28
0:1:8565940 Green^Hat MissedMe CAL Open 2007-06-08 2007-07-06
1:1:8565940 theGreenHat The Pecan Sandies ESEA Season 19 - Open 2015-04-14 2025-03-13