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Sure Shot



Player UID GUID Joined Abandoned
Johnny``` 0:1:13260952
the mario clone 0:0:14378698
snwo 0:1:16270518
die 0:1:346145
uN]defined 0:1:4190961
facetious 0:0:650397
Diddy 0:0:16223186
Lavaman 0:0:127103
fatbro 0:0:8272090
marv 0:1:303076


Date Home Team Away Team Map Score Description
The Stolen Eye Sure Shot cp_fastlane 0 - 5 Week 3
Sure Shot eXult cp_gravelpit 0 - 2 rnd4
Sure Shot Balloons Reinflated cp_well 5 - 0 rnd3
Sure Shot skill not Luck cp_granary 4 - 5 rnd2
Sure Shot PMS | H2O cp_dustbowl 2 - 0 rnd1
Sure Shot C.O.R.E cp_well 5 - 0 OOW
Sure Shot eXorsus cp_gravelpit 2 - 0 Week 8
Sure Shot Radiance cp_granary 3 - 5 Week 7
Sure Shot Legion of BOOM cp_badlands 0 - 5 Week 5
Sure Shot #1000 cp_gravelpit 2 - 1 Week 4
Sure Shot The Stolen Eye cp_fastlane 5 - 0 Week 3
Sure Shot eXult cp_junction_pro 2 - 1 Week 2
Sure Shot Energy! cp_pro_granary 5 - 0 Week 1
skill not Luck Sure Shot cp_granary 5 - 4 rnd2
Radiance Sure Shot cp_granary 5 - 3 Week 7
PMS | H2O Sure Shot cp_dustbowl 0 - 2 rnd1
Legion of BOOM Sure Shot cp_badlands 5 - 0 Week 5
eXult Sure Shot cp_gravelpit 2 - 0 rnd4
eXult Sure Shot cp_junction_pro 1 - 2 Week 2
eXorsus Sure Shot cp_gravelpit 0 - 2 Week 8
Energy! Sure Shot cp_pro_granary 0 - 5 Week 1
C.O.R.E Sure Shot cp_well 0 - 5 OOW
Balloons Reinflated Sure Shot cp_well 0 - 5 rnd3
#1000 Sure Shot cp_gravelpit 1 - 2 Week 4