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GUID Player Team League Division Joined Abandoned
0:1:1183135 feLix` Yagyu CAL Open 2007-01-03 2007-01-18
0:1:1183135 feLix` Nixed CAL Open 2007-01-04 2007-01-18
0:1:1183135 feLix` nixed CAL Open 2007-06-06 2007-09-28
0:1:1183135 feLix` Area 845 CAL Open 2007-09-28 2007-10-07
0:1:1183135 feLix` [inactive]explosivo CAL Open 2007-02-13 2007-05-18
0:1:1183135 feLix` sneep CAL Open 2008-01-02 2008-06-13
0:1:1183135 feLix` [DEAD]Naughty Little Ninjas CAL Open 2008-01-06 2008-06-13
0:1:1183135 feLix` nixed CAL Open 2008-05-11 2008-06-13
0:1:11673101 feLix` Team #125174 CAL Open 2006-09-18 2006-09-30
0:1:1183135 feLix` [INACTIVE]nixed CAL Open 2007-01-14 2007-02-27
0:1:1183135 feLix` [inactive]explosivo CAL CSIM 2007-05-18 2007-05-30
0:1:1183135 feLix` [inactive]explosivo CAL Main 2007-11-06 2007-12-27
0:1:1183135 feLix` sneep CAL Open 2008-01-09 2008-06-13
0:1:1183135 feLix` sneep CAL czor 2008-01-06 2008-06-13
0:1:1183135 feLix` [DEAD]World of Pwnage CAL Intermediate 2007-10-20 2007-10-24
trujillo 123 feLix` iLLusion CAL h2o 2007-02-20 2007-06-23
1:0:23699763 skeiiiiiiii MamboKingz ESEA Season 20 - Main 2015-10-04 2025-03-12
1:0:23699763 skeiiiiiiii MamboKingz ESEA Season 19 - Main 2015-10-04 2025-03-12
1:0:23699763 skeiiiiiiii Whitevore ESEA Season 19 - Open 2015-02-14 2015-04-02
1:0:23699763 skeiiiiiiii MamboKingz ESEA Season 18 - Main 2015-10-04 2025-03-12